Thursday, October 12, 2006

What is this place of mispelings?!

Hear ye hear ye, ok I have had enough of this already!

You see what has happened here, is that we (by which I mean WE exclusive - see attached notes!) have decided that we will create a blog and share all those little things that happen to us with millions of people. As to the reason of this I have no idea, however as some wise (but undoubtedly married) man once said...." my place is not to question, my place is to do", in which case welcome!

I have been mentioning this to a few friends of mine, who have said that we should theme it! I think this was purely a joke, in a similar way that I vaguely remember a night out last year being themed around Scandinavia as we were off to Finland. (BTW [net lingo! ooh!] - [ that's By The Way, BTW] Great excuse to start drinking flavoured vodka!)....So considering the word Princess has been used on more than one occasion of late, it seemed fitting to have an olde worlde theme to ye olde blog(e), and hence I invite you to take a pew in front of Her Majesty Ms Jacqueline Yvette Cook (aka Jacqueline Bouvier, Jokee Jan, Yokee Chan) and be entertained by the Jester of the court, Myself, Mr Mark van pun a lot Gates.

This is the open forum in which we ask all friends and family to share funnie stories of olde, comment on the numerous poor puns which will crop up from time to time (looking at you Mr Mac - For all those who have not had the pleasure of the flame haired ukelele player that is Mr Mac, he is the gent that recently asked how living in Crouch end, Hendon Dragon was treating us. A fantastic play on words from the old git, blankety blank cheque book and pen is on its way!], and of course a few pictures along the way.

Anyway I am still trying to work out how the hell I pass this website onto everyone, but in the meantime I can be seen next to Jesus Man at Piccadilly Circus, with a sandwich board on with the link, so spreading the word! (had to fight for space with Golf Sale man, but he got into a brawl with 1/2 price Pizza Man which then turned into a bloodbath with Jesus preacher forgetting his preach and using the mic to run commentary! funniest thing I've seen for a while!)

Well time to go for now, that's the brief, feel free to post whatever people post on these not like that!

Thank ye all, and I bid you adieu......"to the sound of bells on shoes, and general jesterness".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice one mate, i always wondered what a blog was!